~ Music ~ Nothing More Disgusting Than a Globalist

“Nothing More Disgusting Than a Globalist” (2025)…
♦️ AI prompt engineering, composition and audio editing by Mike Adams. Lyrics by Mike Adams. Most vocals are AI generated. Instrument choice and prompt engineering by Adams, instrument performances by AI.
♦️ All songs and music videos copyright © 2025 by Mike Adams, all rights reserved. These songs are unique compositions consisting of original lyrics and the composition and arrangement of numerous audio clips. May be freely downloaded and enjoyed for personal, non-commercial use. For commercial licensing, please contact us.
📋 LyricsOh, they strut in their suits, with their pockets so deep,
Selling out to Big Pharma while we can’t afford to eat.
They take those kickbacks and bribes, it’s a criminal game,
While the poor and the sick cry out in vain.
They despise the Bill of Rights, they hate what’s true,
Locking us down, telling us what to do.
They’re a gang of crooks, un-indicted and sly,
While America crumbles, they just watch it die.
There’s nothing more disgusting than a globalist
There’s nothing more pathetic in D.C.
They’re pushing pharmaceuticals
And climate change delusionals
While making sure that none of us are free. (not free)
There’s nothing more disgusting than a globalist (a globalist!)
Not even dumpster fires filled with crap (so much crap!)
If something happened to the crown
And burned it to the ground
We’d be better off and that’s a simple fact (oh yeah!)
[Verse 2]
They keep the borders open, while they fund endless wars,
Causing suffering abroad, and ignoring homeland shores.
They push their vaccine lies, and their masks and their fear,
While they laugh at the people, sipping champagne and beer.
They sell out to foreign powers, they betray our land,
They’re the puppets of greed, with blood on their hands.
They block every reform, they don’t care a single bit,
While the dollar is dying, they print more counterfeit.
There’s nothing more disgusting than a globalist (a globalist)
There’s nothing more pathetic in D.C. (can’t you see)
They’re pushing pharmaceuticals
And climate change delusionals
While making sure that none of us are free. (we’re not free)
There’s nothing more disgusting than a globalist (a globalist!)
Not even dumpster fires filled with crap (so much crap!)
If something happened to the crown
And burned it to the ground
We’d be better off and that’s a simple fact (oh yeah!)
Oh, they’re fat cats with contempt for the founding dream,
They’ve turned this great nation into a corrupt regime.
We need term limits now, and some treason trials,
Lock up the traffickers and pervert pedophiles.
[Verse 3]
They push their climate scams, and their COVID hoax,
While they line their own pockets, and treat us like jokes.
They’re the masters of lies, and the lords of deceit,
They’re the reason our nation’s headed for defeat.
But the people will rise, and the truth will prevail,
We’ll send corrupt globalists to life in a jail.
For America’s spirit can never be killed,
As long as we stand strong our hearts are filled.
There’s nothing more disgusting than a globalist (a globalist)
There’s nothing more pathetic in D.C. (can’t you see)
They’re pushing pharmaceuticals
And climate change delusionals
While making sure that none of us are free. (let’s be free)
There’s nothing more disgusting than a globalist (a globalist!)
Not even dumpster fires filled with crap (so much crap!)
If something happened to the crown
And burned it to the ground
We’d be better off and that’s a simple fact (oh yeah!)
So here’s to the future, where the crooks are all gone,
Where the people are free, and the nation is strong.
We’ll rebuild this land, with truth as our guide,
And the globalists’ crimes will no longer hide.
There’s nothing more disgusting than a globalist,
But their time is up, and their fate is clear.
We’ll take back our country, and make it anew,
For the people, by the people, and the red, white, and blue.
The red, white and blue.
Land of the free for me and you.
We’ll take our country back
Stop the communist attack
And to our founding fathers we’ll be true
Celebrate the red white and blue
Health Ranger’s Song [Duration 4:26]
Mike Adams is helping to create a better world.
Uncensored, Unfiltered, & Unedited.
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